Wednesday, January 24, 2018

5 New Year’s Resolutions to Help Your Employment in Albany

We make personal resolutions for the New Year, so why not configure resolutions for our jobs in Albany, OR? You may be having a rough week at work in which you need motivation and inspiration to help you get through the work week. If you’ve been searching online for Albany jobs near me, you may need to update your online profiles. Let’s get started with resolutions to keep this year for your career and job search.

Research Skills That Will Be Needed This Year

If you plan on searching for new jobs in Albany, OR, this year, you will want to research skill sets that are needed and what careers have the most shortages. By researching which careers will need workers to fill the space of job openings in the area, you will be able to find out if your job title is growing or shrinking and whether or not you should stay or if you need to move on. Researching now will help you adapt to your career goals and projections for this year.

Invest in Your Learning

Many employees look to their employers to supply training courses whether in person or online. Unfortunately, many things can hinder an employer from supplying these training courses especially if budget cut come along during the year. You need to take it upon yourself to know what skill in your career needs the most work. Speak with professional associations, local colleges, and online courses for any certifications or classes that you can take or attend. These are great low-cost training opportunities that you will not want to miss out on if it helps you with your position.

Create a Compelling Resume

You want to have an updated resume at all times whether you are happy in the career you’re in or if you are looking for new employment in Albany. Does it match the current format style that is going around including an overview, job titles, job duties or tasks, accomplishments, and education? Remember to explain the strategies that you had the responsibility to complete and for each job that you had.

Be Able to Sell Yourself

You want to make a company know and believe that you have something unique to offer to the company and that begins with you believing that you have a unique skill that can greatly improve the company. Your connections and resume will only get you so far through the door. When searching for Albany jobs near me, you want to stay humble but also recognize your strengths in your skills.

Stay Healthier at Work

You are at your job most of the week and rarely have time for anything else. Being a healthier individual not only applies to you personally but also at your job or when conducting a job search in Albany, OR. Now the question is, what can you do in order to stay healthier at your job? First you may want to pack a healthier lunch such as an assortment of vegetable, grilled chicken, and fruit-infused water for example. If you office has stairs, choose the stairs over the elevator. Stretch every hour for at least 5 minutes. Ask if the office can get a standing desk and test that out or maybe try an exercise ball instead of an office chair to sit on. Employment agencies in Albany, OR, explain that being healthier at work can help you become more productive throughout the day and have more energy which can also help job seekers have the energy to look for jobs throughout the day.

Locally owned and operated, Express Employment Professionals in Albany, OR, is a Full-Service Staffing Agency that continually exceed expectations by providing services to companies and job seekers within our community. With over 20 years of experience, our mission is simple: to assist you in finding a career that you will enjoy.

Express Employment Professionals of Albany, OR
2250 14th Ave SE Ste A
Albany, OR 97322
(541) 967-3600