Wednesday, December 18, 2019

An Employment Agency in Albany, OR Says How to Handle Job Rejection

No one wants to be turned down for a job position but being rejected may not be all bad. Turning a job rejection into an advantage can be very easy to do, especially if you use the right mindset. Use these tips to help turn job rejection into a successful career in Albany 

Ask for Feedback 
Asking for feedback is the best way to deal with job rejection, according to an employment agency in Albany, OR. Asking for feedback on why you didn’t receive the position can help you learn how to change for your next interview. Asking for advice on how to improve your interview skills for the next job interview you may have is valuable because it can help you analyze reasons you may not receive jobs and how to fix that. Start by gathering responses from your interviewer, and don’t be afraid to ask for a more detailed assessment from them if needed. 

When you receive feedback from an interviewer, the next step is to review their information. Think about the feedback you received and give yourself feedback as well. Maybe you knew that parts of the interview went really well, but some others may have needed to go differently. Could you have needed to provide more information on your work experience? Did you need to showcase your skills in a different way? Analyze some of the aspects of your interview and if you feel you need to improve something, come up with ways to accomplish that. 

Refine Your Job Search 
Sometimes the interview process can make you realize the job you really wanted isn’t actually the right job for you. Think about the job position you interviewed for, and ask yourself if that job was really a good fit for you. If not, maybe you should refine your job search and decide what kind of job you really want.  

Locally owned and operated, Express Employment Professionals in Albany, OR, is a Full-Service Staffing Agency that continually exceed expectations by providing services to companies and job seekers within our community. With over 20 years of experience, our mission is simple: to assist you in finding a career that you will enjoy.     

Express Employment Professionals of Albany, OR 
2250 14th Ave SE Ste A  
Albany, OR 97322 
(541) 967-3600 

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

An Employment Agency in Albany, OR Discusses How to Eliminate Stress at Work

Working all day can be tiring, especially when you are constantly getting interrupted. According to a research study, the average employee has anywhere from 30 to 100 projects on their plate. That can be a lot to handle, especially if you are getting interrupted or distracted. Use these tips in the workplace from employment agencies in Albany to help eliminate your stress so that you can be more productive. 

Take A Break 
If you’re feeling overwhelmed with your tasks, try to take a short break. Take a deep breath and relax your mind so that you will be able to focus on your work when you get back. Taking a break will help you forget about your worries for a few minutes, which can help relieve some of your stress.  

Get Rid of Interruptions 
Most people get distracted at work with multiple things. Sometimes it’s email or phone notifications, or sometimes it’s a coworker throughout the day. Also, if you find yourself checking your phone, turn off notifications and make it a point to only look at it during your lunch break. Avoiding looking at your phone will help you focus, which increases productivity. The more productive you are, the less stressed you will be. An employment agency in Albany, OR, says this is a key part of eliminating stress. 

Schedule Your Day 
If you make a schedule for the day, you won't need to be stressed. Creating a schedule that allows you to take a break can help you increase productivity and complete tasks more quickly. A schedule will help you focus and allow you to be calmer throughout the dayWithin your schedule, you should allow for short breaks to take a walk around the office, go outside, or check your phone. Short breaks will allow your mind to rest and reset when it’s time to work again.   

Use these tips to help eliminate your stress in the workplace! 

Locally owned and operated, Express Employment Professionals in Albany, OR, is a Full-Service Staffing Agency that continually exceed expectations by providing services to companies and job seekers within our community. With over 20 years of experience, our mission is simple: to assist you in finding a career that you will enjoy.     

Express Employment Professionals of Albany, OR 
2250 14th Ave SE Ste A  
Albany, OR 97322 
(541) 967-3600